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The Clean Elections Initiative

What is the Clean Elections Act of 2004?

How would it work?

Are there examples showing that "Clean Money" systems work?

Would this initiative completely overhaul the current campaign finance system in California?

Will "Clean Money" candidates receive enough resources to run a competitive campaign?

Contact Us

Statewide Campaign Office:

1575 Westwood Blvd, #301
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Phone: (310) 477-6900
Fax: (310) 477-6901

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Clean Elections Initiative

Arianna has launched the Clean Elections Initiative, a ballot measure to institute publicly financed elections in California. That means an end to elections dominated by Big Money interests! [Read More]

New Movie! The Special Interest Brothel

Hybrid vs. Hummer: The Movie!

If you haven't seen this hilarious Flash Movie, see it now. Watch Arnold and Arianna in a cartoon drag race -- her in her clean burning hybrid and him in his gas guzzling hummer.
On the Road with Arianna

Television Highlights:
See Arianna on "Real Time" with Bill Maher, as well as other recent television appearances.

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